Clay Web site, and warning siren in place
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
Clay Township Trustee Steve Woolf announced at the Feb. 5 meeting that the township's Web site is now online. The township has been without an updated Web site since the death of Trustee Robin Lehman in May of 2015. The site is available at
Wolf urged all department heads and any organization in the township to post information about activities.
Trustee President Dave Vore suggested there should be a focal point to avoid duplications or contradictions, and Fiscal Brad Limbert agreed, "It might as well be me."
He also agreed to develop a form to use to make it easier for the administration to add items.
In other matters, trustees learned that the terrorism/disaster warning sirens have been installed and are being activated and tested.
Trustee Jeffery Requarth, the trustee in charge of the sirens, said that while wiring them a Chase Electric official also told him that a backup generator for the township would be fairly easy to install, since all the electricity to the township buildings comes through the building housing the administrative offices.
The trustees also accepted the Montgomery County Engineers Audit of certified township highway miles. This is necessary as state funding for road projects takes the certified mileage into account.
The 33,483 miles of township roads are a bit less than last year, but Woolf explained this was due to the township and the county trading the maintenance of two areas that were contiguous with others being maintained.
Keith Lucking of the road department said the department "is working on" fixing potholes, and Woolf asked him to look into the chip and seal done last year on Wellbaum Road.
"it doesn't look like anything was ever done," he said.
"We took over part of Dodson road and the county took over the northern end of Arlington. Our snow crews, for example, don't have to drive over roads they aren't responsible for to reach these sections," he said.
At a recent meeting of the Ohio Township Association, Woolf also was recently re-elected to the state board of township trustees. This allows him to join others in lobbying the legislator for changes in the law applying to townships.
At the meeting, Montgomery County trustees won recognition for the most trustees in attendance.